Oil Cleansing



With our best selling Living Libations Best Skin Ever Seabuckthorn Oil Cleanser/Exfoliator/Moisturizer

I know, I know…most of you must have heard that oil cleansing is SCARY because…OIL! Fear not! This oil is not like the rest and you’ll be thankful you gave oil cleansing another try!

Living Libations Best Skin Ever Seabuckthorn Oil Cleanser is formulated not like the rest of the oil cleansers out there. This formulate mimics your skin barrier—exactly what our skin needs to be at its most tranquil state.

Healthy skin doesn’t mean not breaking out here and there, no texture, or no bumps. Healthy skin to us at SUOY means giving your skin what it needs rather than taking it away from it.

A lot of products actually strip our skins pH and throws our skin balance WAY off. This then can cause for many of us to break out, have inflammation, redness, super sensitive skin, etc. It then ends up becoming a vicious circle (more on this in another blog for those who would like a better understanding) of breaking down our skin barrier and then trying to fix it with other products. This becomes a huge money grabber for big companies out there!

Back to oil cleansing and this SPECIFIC oil cleanser—Living Libations Seabuckthorn Oil Cleanser.

Thip Annakiita Inthirath